Ezekyle Abaddon

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Ezekyle Abaddon
Biographical information
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Personal information

Biography[edit | edit source]

Son of Cthonia[edit | edit source]

Becoming an Astartes[edit | edit source]

Upon implementation of the gene-seed, Abaddon was noted to be a "Son of Horus," greatly resembling his gene-father so much that the young Cthonian was often thought of as Horus' clone or true son.

Great Crusade[edit | edit source]

Mournival[edit | edit source]

At some point after 944.M30, the Mournival inducted Ezekyle into their ranks. Swearing oaths to the Mournival itself, the Luna Wolves, Horus, the Emperor, and the Imperium of Man, Abaddon was authorized to wear a full moon symbol above his helm's right eyepiece as a symbol of his membership among the Lupercal's council.

Ullanor[edit | edit source]

Following the campaign's conclusion, the Emperor declared that a Triumph would be held to celebrate the accomplishments of the Great Crusade. As the celebrations drew to a close, Abaddon was present as the Master of Mankind declared Horus Lupercal to be Warmaster of the Great Crusade, giving him full authority over his brothers. He also further suggested that the XVI Legion become the Sons of Horus, but Horus refused.

Compliance of 63-19[edit | edit source]

In the year 001.M31, the 63rd Expeditionary Fleet came to a system comprised of nine worlds ruled by a man who called himself the "Emperor of the Mankind." The "Emperor" refused to show allegiance to Terra and murdered the first group of emissaries, an honour squad from the 4th Company led by Captain Hastur Sejanus. The Lupercal decided to send a second embassy under his equerry, Maloghurst, but prepared to form a speartip in case of yet another rejection of the Emperor's light. By way of casting lots, Abaddon and the 1st Company were chosen to lead the assault, alongside Tarik Torgaddon of the 2nd, Horus Aximand of the 5th, and Garviel Loken of the 10th. As the Luna Wolves prepared for war, Maloghurst's flotilla was shot down, and the "Emperor"'s fleet rose to meet that of the Warmaster's. Finally, the First Captain himself made a plea to the planet's ruler, asking for peace, but the fleet answered by opening fire upon the speartip. Tired of waiting, Horus instructed his son to show restraint to the populace, but to give no quarter to the "Emperor"'s armies.

Traveling by Stormbird, the Luna Wolves descended upon the system's third world, onto the capital city known as the High City. There, they began to assault the palace of the "Emperor," with Abaddon leading the 1st Company alongside a squad of the Justaerin Cohort on a flanking pattern towards the palace's flank. As he drove toward the heart of the city, the First Captain joked with Captain Loken as the Tenth breached the "Emperor"'s compound, saying the first to reach the Emperor would have the chance to bring him to the way of the Imperial Truth. The First Company mopped up the remaining "Imperial" forces while Loken led a charge on the "Emperor" himself.

Three months later, after the forces of the true Emperor brought the planet, deemed 63-19, to compliance, the "Emperor"'s funeral was held after his death at the hands of the Warmaster himself. Along with many other officers, Abaddon refused to allow his forces to attend, prompting the Rogal Dorn and two companies of the VII Legion to go to the ceremony in their place. Soon, the Mournival convened to discuss the replacement of Sejanus among their ranks. Torgaddon voted that Captain Loken would join their number, a sentiment that Ezekyle seconded. Within a demolished garden, the trio came to Loken and inducted him into the council of Horus.

As the 63rd Expeditionary Fleet prepared to leave the planet, the Mournival returned to the Vengeful Spirit, where it was decided a final strike against a conclave of rebels would be dealt before the fleet moved on to the Sagittarius region to aid the 140th Expeditionary Fleet against a hostile xenos force. While the Tenth Company prepared to descend on the Whisperheads, Abaddon, the rest of the Mournival, and Captains Sedirae and Targhost attended and presided over the swearing of Loken's oath of moment. Following the assault, Loken came to confide in Abaddon about the possession of Sergeant Xayver Jubal by Samus. To keep morale, the First Captain decided that the matter was not to be mentioned among the fleet and would remain restricted.

War on Murder[edit | edit source]

After eight weeks of warp travel, the 63rd Expeditionary Fleet emerged within a system in the Sagittarius region, heading towards a planet deemed 140-20. The Mournival, along with several company captains, attended the Warmaster aboard the Vengeful Spirit to discuss strategy. Abaddon reported the presence of thirty outstation relays that transmitted what appeared to be music within the system to his Warmaster. Soon, the Spirit sent a shuttle to the battle-barge Misericord, flagship of the 140 th. Along with nine other captains, Abaddon served as the Lupercal's honour guard as he boarded the vessel. The Mournival, with the Primarch and numerous commanders of Misericord, gathered around the ship's strategium to discuss the ongoing campaign on the planet's surface. The First Captain expressed disdain for Master Mathanual August's conduct of the battlefield, accusing him of wasting Astartes and Imperialis Auxilia forces. As reports came in from the Master of the Vox, Abaddon reported to Horus that there were survivors on the planet's surface.

When the captains were selected to lead the assault, Abaddon prepared to deliver their oaths of moment but was stopped by Loken, who requested to do the honour himself. While Torgaddon secured a drop site on the surface, the First Captain ordered a force of Stormbirds to be readied for extraction flights. With the arrival of the main force of the IX Legion, under Sanguinius himself, Abaddon, alongside the Luna Wolves, Blood Angels, and Emperor's Children, supported by Army and Mechanicum forces, made war against the inhabitants of 140-20, or Murder, a race of xenos knowns as Megarachnids. Early on into the campaign, Abaddon suggested that the Warmaster's concern should be on a higher plane than a simple martial conflict. However, the Lupercal rebuked him, saying it was not his place to decide.

The Interex[edit | edit source]

After six months of war against the xenos, a fleet of warships entered the system. Known as the Interex, they bade that the Warmaster and his forces follow them to their nearest outpost. Horus agreed to their terms; however, Abaddon, alongside Maloghurst and Sedirae, railed that the outsiders should be annihilated.

Horus Heresy[edit | edit source]

Great Scouring[edit | edit source]

Personality and traits[edit | edit source]

Wargear and abilities[edit | edit source]

Behind the scenes[edit | edit source]

Appearances[edit | edit source]

Sources[edit | edit source]

Notes and references[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]